Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

Sunday Night

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Being the busy guy that I am, Sunday is the one day of the week when I get a little down time.  I’ve usually got something to keep me occupied during the day, but Sunday nights are when I allow myself to slow down.  I go to Whole Foods and pick up a fresh steak or pork chop.  I used to cook it in my oven, but lately I’ve been using my fancy new grill.  Does this not look like the best meal ever?!


Well it was - my neighbors probably thought I had a girl over from the noises I was making, but no…the steak was just that good (I could pull the meat off the bone with my fork!) and the corn on the cob was absolutely delicious!

I’ve got another busy few weeks coming up.  I’ll be in Denver later this week, then I’ll be in Vegas at the end of the month for a stretch and then the ‘rents are coming to town!
