Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

San Fran

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I spent the past weekend with Mike D in San Francisco - what a great time. We did some touristy (Golden Gate) and non-touristy (Haight & Ashbury) things and then hit up a club to dance into the night with a couple friends. It’s been a long time since I went out like that and it felt good to be able to let loose and have a good time. I hope to be able to post a little pictorial of the whole event, but we’ll see how late I manage to stay up tonight. I think the thing that amazed me most was the crazy streets. I’ve been to downtown San Fran several times, but not to the surrounding neighborhoods where the hill grades are utterly relentless.

And thanks to Stacey for the awesome idea of taking advantage of my extended time on the west coast to visit.
