Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

6 Pairs of Shoes in 24 Hours

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Another busy weekend - Cindo De Mayo, hiking, soccer, and more. I wore many different shoes this weekend, but I don’t think I have ever before been in two such different places as I was on Saturday. It was pretty cool, but I prefer not to blog about the details…just the fact that it happened. I think it’s the ease with which you can access the woods out here in Seattle that makes things like that possible.

There’s a nice climb just outside Seattle on Mount Si - It’s an 8-mile round trip with a vertical elevation change of 3,700 ft with the top being 4,167 ft up in the sky. It was a cloudy/drizzling kind of day, so I wasn’t expecting too much from the views at the top, but just wanted to climb to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors. Well I was right. We got to the summit and it was completely enshrouded with clouds. Take a look at the picture below - that peak is probably no more than 200 ft. from where we were standing, but you can’t even tell there are people sitting on the rocks, can you? Take a closer look - there’s somebody walking along the top and almost smack dab in the middle you should see a brief glimpse of somebody’s yellow rain jacket: wa_mtsi/IMGP2556

But then something amazing happened. I scrambled up to the top of a bunch of rocks and starting taking pictures of the fog that I couldn’t see through. And then, within a few minutes the fog completely lifted from one side of the mountain and I could not only see the town below, but also Seattle off in the distance. Here’s a couple shots for comparison: wa_mtsi/IMGP2569 wa_mtsi/IMGP2576

What an awesome treat! So take a look at some more pics of Mt. Si and I’ll leave you with a few more of my favorites before I head off to hit the hay!

Some dude standing on a ledge overlooking the valley. wa_mtsi/IMGP2589

My attempt at getting artsy. wa_mtsi/IMGP2566

Me at the top! wa_mtsi/IMGP2567

And finally, this is when the mist just started clearing the top. wa_mtsi/IMGP2580

Oh yea…and we saw a couple last patches of snow at the top! We polished off the hike in a nice 3 hours and 45 minutes and my legs felt great Sunday morning. After a game of soccer on Sunday afternoon, though, my legs were suddenly very tired. And now, I must rest.
