Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

Tweetie Stats

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Tweetie has become my exclusive application on the iPhone for Twitter usage. Between multiple account support, saved searches, and a quick, simple interface it replaced the few other apps I had to use simultaneously to achieve all of these.

As part of the Twitter application stats I maintain over at TweetStats, I would notice Tweetie usage increasing on the weekends. My assumption is that mobile use rises on the weekends as people are not on their work computers.

As part of a potential new service offering at TweetStats (activity graphs for your app!), I decided to verify my assumption*. As you can see, there’s a definite increase in usage of Tweetie on the weekends (gray bars).

Tweetie for the past 14 days

Just for comparison sake, let’s take a look at another popular mobile app, TwitterFon. We see the same characteristics, with surprisingly similar trends.

TwitterFon for the past 14 days

To hit the point home, here’s a graph showing TweetDeck usage (the most popular desktop client) where we see a slight decline in usage during the weekend over the prior few days. However, usage is still comparable to the beginning of the work week.

TweetDeck for the past 14 days

And finally, a brief comparison of Tweetie and TweetDeck and their respective usage.

[caption id=”attachment_1448” align=”center” width=”300” caption=”Mobile and Desktop application usage over the course of two weeks”]Desktop vs. Mobile Application usage over two weeks time[/caption]

*These statistics are generated using data collected at TweetStats utilizing the fantastic Gnip service and represent the large majority of updates posted on Twitter. I do not collect statistics on protected updates.
