Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

Housewarming and Lake Trifecta

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After nearly five months (wow, it’s been that long?!) of living in Seattle, I finally had my housewarming last night. There was a great turnout and some of my best friends showed up for an evening of fun, pool, and Wii Sports.  It was an awesome time and I’m so glad people were able to enjoy my new home.  Thanks to everybody for a great night!  You can check out some of the pictures of my housewarming on Flickr.  I mostly just have pics of the aftermath as I was too busy being a little socialite to take too many pics. ;o)

In other news, I slept in Sunday morning after the festivities but still managed to have a productive day.  It was beautiful so I decided to go for a little bike ride, which ended up to be me touring the three lakes in the area - Greenlake, Lake Union and Lake Washington.  I rode around Greenlake, passed by Lake Union and rode up the side of Lake Washington on the Burke-Gilman Trail.  All-told, I think it was about 20 miles of riding.  I was pretty tired at the end of it, but nothing that a Dick’s Deluxe and a vanilla shake couldn’t take care of.

Finally, I spent the remaining daylight hours cleaning up all the leaves in the flower beds of my back yard.  What a relaxing way to end the day - I filled a garbage can full of leaves!  But my flower beds look much better.  I also came across a few things in the flower bed that the previous owners’ daughter must have lost at one point:

Nice garden - thanks for saving me!

What an awesome, amazing weekend.  Thanks again to all my friends - I am one lucky guy!
