Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

Freezing Night Soccer

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So I’ve continued to play on the same soccer team that I joined while I was out in Seattle this summer as it seems they continue to play outdoors in the winter.  While Seattle’s winter is still somewhat milder than what I’m used to, we’ve been going through a little bit of a cold snap here.  So it was with a little bit of guilty pleasure that I heard our Sunday evening game was going to be cancelled.  Alas, as fate would have it, the specific field our game was scheduled on was one of two fields that were still holding games.  So there I was, 7pm, flood lights canvasing the field, jumping up and down in approximately 28-degree weather.  It was awesome, though - I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  But now…it’s time for a nice warm shower.
