Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

Snowing in Seattle

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It’s snowing in Seattle tonight.  It doesn’t do this very often, so it’s nice to get a real taste of winter.  Comcast has yet to successfully get my cable installed (third visit is tomorrow…) so here I sit once again in a cozy coffee shop listening to Christmas carols and watching the snow float gently to the ground.  It’s a beautiful sight.

Turkey day was great - I got to see a lot of family members and play with my wonderful little niece and nephew who I miss so much.  The only down side was the 12 hours of travel from door-to-door that it took to get out there and another 12 on the way back.  It was definitely worth it, though, and I slept through most of it.  Time to go do some donuts in the parking lot!
