Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

SceCli Error Every Five Minutes

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After my recent Domain Controller failure, I brought up a virtual machine as a second DC and then demoted my original DC. Ever since, I had been receiving SceCli (Event ID 1202) errors every five minutes.

Microsoft support was actually very helpful this time. The error message made reference to http://support.microsoft.com and indicated I should query for “troubleshooting 1202 events”. I did so and was directed to this knowledgebase article, which instructed me to enable some detailed logging. After doing that and examining the log, I found the source of the problem: “Error 1355: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted. Cannot bind to the GC.”

Oops…forgot to make my new DC a Global Catalog server. A quick checkbox in AD Sites and Services and my logs were clean again. I love having clean logs.
