Hello from Seattle again! You’ll be hearing that a lot lately…
I got in a little early today because I wanted to go to the client and put in a few extra hours. The office is right down the road so I decided to take advantage of the brisk weather and walk on over. On the way over I passed this one company whose office is set deep in a wooded environment. I’ve been a bit stressed lately, so I took a little detour and managed to end up in the middle of several tall firs. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and felt my brain let go. I leaned back and opened my eyes to see the tops of the firs mixing with the sky. Man, do I miss the woods! It felt great to get outside and walk around.
Speaking of the woods, I’m looking forward to my upcoming stay in Seattle. There are so many things here that I can’t wait to do and I’ve gotten a lot of great ideas. There’s obviously the great hiking, camping, etc of the northwest and I hope to be able to get out and do a lot of that. But there’s also Vancouver, an awesome bike park just half a day’s drive away, Seattle’s Underground Tour - I had no clue about this underground city thing, but my bro mentioned it to me when we were talking last week. Somebody also mentioned that the San Juan islands are pretty cool to check out. And then I’d love to hit up some of the old-school alternative scene…you know go check out where Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, etc. got their start…if it’s still around, that is.
And then, of course…there’s Mt. Rainier. All 14,410 ft of that sucker are going to tease me every time I go back to the airport and I see it looming in the distance.
I can’t wait for it to get warm so I can get out and do all this stuff! It should be a good few months. And since I’ll be out here for a while in corporate housing, this is also an open invitation for anybody that wants to get away for a while and join me in the back country! Come on…you know you wanna hit those 20 ft drops on your mountain bike at Whistler. ;-)