Damon Cortesi's blog

Musings of an entrepreneur.

Finally an RSS Feed!

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I’ve finally added an RSS Feed to my site! It may not have a lot of features, but it does validate and it even has full text. Now all you aggregator folk out there can pull in the content of my site without ever going to my homepage.

Maybe now I’ll get some readers who may be mildly interested in the occasional musing of an infosec guy in Chi-town.

As I mentioned, I coded this page myself, but have recently been considering going to some sort of blog software. Simple things like an RSS feed and an archives calendar have taken me way too long to implement. Between work and life, adding features to my blog that only gets read by family and few friends doesn’t rank too high. An RSS feed is a necessity, however, if I do want to obtain some more readership. We’ll see…
